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monthly donations
Forms for Pre-Authorized giving are available from the main office or beside the Donation Box in the main auditorium.
Pre-Authorized donations are encouraged as a way to consistently worship God by giving regularly even when you are out of town. Receipts for Income Tax purposes are printed early in the calendar year and placed in the donor's mail folder or mailed.
To sign up, click the email button below and our donation manager will contact you.
e-transfer donations
To give by e-transfer, send your donation to one of the email addresses below.
These email addresses are set up for auto-deposit so no security question is required by most banks. Please include your full name in the Memo when you send your donation so we can make sure to send the receipt to the correct person next February.
Give in-person
There is a Donation Box located on the wall just inside the main Auditorium at LRC. Donation envelopes are provided, and you are encouraged to place your gift in the Donation Box as your offering of worship as you enter or exit the Auditorium. To drop off a donation outside office and worship hours, place your donation in the secure mail box outside the main entry.
Be sure to clearly mark your donation with name, address, phone/email and note the specific fund if applicable.
Mail your donation to:
Lincoln Road Chapel
145 Lincoln Road
Waterloo, ON N2J 2N8
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